Earth’s crammed with heaven

Woke up on a mundane Monday morning to the most awesome sight.  The tree outside my balcony had burst into bloom.

Cherry blossom  062413

The sight that met my eyes !

I could just gaze and gaze and gaze at it for hours.

I looked up again and noticed the moon was still out .. perhaps hating to leave the scene of such beauty 🙂

Cherry blossom with moon 065352

Even the moon refused to move away 🙂

Delicate, paper thin, shadowy pink flowers so ephemeral they  would bruise to the touch. Some were floating down and I stretched out my hand for them to land on. The ground beneath was a carpet of pink.

The sight leaves you dazzled … wanting to burst into laughter,  scoop up the flowers, embrace the tree for giving you such a vision.

The tree which is just outside my front door poses a serious threat to my boundary wall and roof. You can see how close it is in this picture.

Cherry blossom with roof  064512

That’s the  roof jutting out on top left. Too close for safety ?

Many have advised me to cut it and yet I can’t bring myself to do this and and lose the glory of this sight when it blooms – once, sometimes twice, a year.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning must have been referring to such a vision when she wrote :

Earth’s crammed with heaven, 
And every common bush afire with God, 
….. But only he who sees takes off his shoes. 

Eventually, I tore my gaze away and looked across on the other side of the balcony.  There stood another tree that I really admire, a lone sentinel rising above its neighbours, in majestic competition with my flowering cherry blossom tree.                  cherry blossom competition _065425

A solid and stable sentinel every day, unlike the ephemeral blossoming tree, I have to recognise this tree too or it will feel left out 🙂

Sharing with Mundane Monday challenge of Jithin though this is ‘cheating’ for it is anything by mundane. At least it was taken on a mundane Monday 🙂   and also sharing with Jacqueline’s Echoes of my Neighbourhood challenge which brings so many many places to your doorstep.

13 thoughts on “Earth’s crammed with heaven

  1. Pingback: God, FB and me. | Ramblin' Rose

  2. Pingback: Mundane Monday Challenge #51 | PhoTrablogger

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